Did you know that rice is the staple food of at least 300 million people in the world?

Physicians in health care
Remember not to do five things after eating rice
Does. These are:
1. An hour or half an hour before eating rice
Then eat the fruit. Because, eating any fruit after eating rice can cause gastric problems. It can cause discomfort.
2. What happens is that after smoking a lot of cigarettes throughout the day, one after eating rice
Cigarettes or bidis are much more than that
Harms. So do not smoke. If necessary, eat chocolate.
3. Lots of tannic acid in tea
Which increases the amount of protein in the diet by a hundred times. The result is food digestion
To be much longer than usual
It takes. So never eat tea after eating rice.
4. Loose waist of belt or pants
Don't. If you loosen your belt or waist immediately after eating, it is very easy to digest
(Stomach) to rectum (anus)
The lower part of the esophagus may bend,
It can be twisted or even blocked
Can Such problems are caused by intestinal obstruction
Is called. If anyone wants to eat more
To loosen the waistband beforehand
It is not right to overeat.
5. Do not take a bath.
If you take a bath immediately after eating rice
Increased blood circulation levels. The result is the stomach
The amount of blood around is reduced
Which can weaken the digestive system
Will fall, resulting in food being digested
It will take more than usual. So take a bath before eating.